Our preferred customers and jobs

What are our preferred customers and jobs?

We felt we needed to do this post to clarify, as our website does show all of the different services we are capable of and this might be confusing to some potential clients and might perhaps give us a more corporate “face” than the actual real people George and Myself actually are.

There are basically 2 sides to our company : The Architectural Drawings side and The Building Regulations side.

So to clarify , on the architectural drawing side of things :

  • Our preferred type of customer are normal homeowners (i.e. everyday people) looking to do extensions and/or loft conversions (small or big they are all welcome) to their home requiring drawings to make planning/certificate of lawfulness applications or building regulations application plans.

We enjoy taking a brief and trying to give the customer what they want, but also giving them the benefit of our input and guidance as to what we feel would provide the best chance of planning success.

We also enjoy finding practical solutions to satisfy building regulations requirements for the various quirky scenarios which need addressing when dealing with existing buildings.

So to clarify on the Building Surveying side of things :

  • We prefer to carry out detailed pre purchase residential building surveys for people buying houses, bungalows or flats.

We have a reputation for being thorough and are told we have a good way of putting things into the correct context for customers to make more rationalised purchasing decisions.

Who won’t we work for :

  • Corporate or Speculative Property Developers.

Hope this helps you all and puts your mind at rest that its ok to call us to for a chat/fee proposal for any residential job even if its a very small one.

Please don’t think of us as corporate giants, because that’s honestly not what we are and we don’t really want to be percieved that way.

Website changes are on way to try to reflect better what we are actually trying to be and achieve.

Kindest regards

Mike Brebner of MB Design and Surveyors Ltd.