From May 2013, the Permitted Development Rights will change, householders will be able to build larger single storey extensions. The size limits will increase from 4 metres to 8 metres for detached properties and 3 metres to 6 metres for any other type of properties. This will run for a temporary period of 3 years (until 2016).
However, the new Permitted Development rights do not apply for properties in sensitive areas such as conservation areas or national parks etc.
Due to the new Permitted Development Rights, a planning application is no longer required. However, the home owner will need to prepare and submit details and plans to their local council before any works are started.
It then becomes the councils job to inform the home owners neighbours of the new proposals. From this day the neighbours will then have a period of 21 days to notify the council of any objections they may have. If they do not object within the submitted 21 days, works can proceed as long as the council say so. (Neighbours do normally object within the 21 day period).
If the neighbour does not come back with any objections, there is then another 21 day period which is called the ‘prior approval stage’. At this point, the home owner will be expected to submit further information of their plans to the council. They will also be required to submit an assessment carried out by a duty planning officer which shows the impacts on amenity of adjoining premises.
It will then depend on the outcome of this assessment as to whether permission is granted or refused.
If you would like to discuss this further please contact us.